Friday, April 16, 2010

226/365 travel plans

We have been putting in a lot of long days and weeks the past few months and tonight we are officially on holidays.
Yahoo!! I love putting that temp message on my work phone "I will be away from my desk until...." Once that is done and the computer powered down, I am outa there!

To celebrate, sort of, we met for a glass of wine after work and sat down with the pen and serviette to finally talk about what exactly we wanted to do on these R&R days. I voted for sleep and read cheap  books, but my love has other plans.... can you tell where we are going and what he has planned?
I didn't think so.
He writes like I imagine his twin brother the Dr likely writes. 
I told him I was game for all of it but reserved the right to just retreat to bed with a book, or my camera, or the laptop.
I can tell ya though. There will be some fabulous photo ops.
The vacation doesn't officially start until Sunday (oh 5:40 am) I have a Wedding shoot tomorrow. But after that I will be filling the 16 GB card. 
So can you tell where we are going and what we are doing? It's all there.....somewhere. Even the route.


  1. something saturday at 3pm...
    roast; island tour tuesday; golf on friday, after 4 pm...9015 beaufort on tuesday or wednesday, and a picnic on monday. thats about all I Hope you have a great holiday :)

  2. I just see a lot of golf! :P And a roast.

  3. This land is your land, this land is my land; from Sask to ?Man to Atlanta to savannah then to New york and back. What are daily 'w's are for-workshops? or perhaps wine.

  4. haha - you guys are good. Cindy you are the only one to catch the route in the bottom lt corner - that's sk Minneapolis Atlanta Savannah New York, Minneapolis, Sask. Too bad NY is just an airport stopover.
    The W is the day we can possibly get in a workout at the gym - otherwise is tis long walks. ...but I suspect there will be a little wine in there too.
    And Allison - yes - Uncle Frank and Dad will be golfing! And thanks for holding down the home front while we are gone.
