Thursday, February 4, 2010

155/365 Photoshop for Dummies

Why is it I feel so complelled to buy about six of these books. Somehow I think that just forking out the money is all I have to do and somehow by osmosis I will be an expert in Photoshop and Lightroom. As if owning them is all that is necessary.

But I know that is not true because last fall I purchased Scott Kelby's "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 for Digital Photographers" A fabulous book and a very expensive one too. So far I am only about 40 pages into it. I have owned it for 6 months and I am still a "Dummy"

It is not a quick read by any stretch. It is a workbook and best read with the keyboard under hand and Lightroom on the screen. So I am forbidding myself any more of these books until I know Lightroom almost as well as Scott Kelby the guru of everything Adobe makes.

Okay, until I finish the book.

So I bought two photography magazines....somehow I have no trouble devouring them in an evening.

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