Monday, June 2, 2014

153/365 Discovered

Felt so blessed to come home from work and have supper on the deck this evening. Remembering the months of driving to and from work in the dark and thankful for every moment of sun right now.
Even more blessed when I traded my dishes in for my camera and sat silently watching the birds discover all the nutritious treats in the back yard. They are starting to show up - even when I am sitting right there.


  1. Oh man.... even I don't know this bird!! Definitely looks like a sparrow, but I've searched my Sibley's guide and didn't see one with a white eyebrow & black bill combo like this guy. Interesting! Great photo, anyway! :)

  2. Hey Karen - I added another view although different bird but was in the back yard at the same time. I am thinking the first is a young one. How about a chipping sparrow for the top one and a house sparrow for the second one.... yeah, I didn't know it was a sparrow before I googled it so what do I know.

  3. Ah! Yes, I agree on both counts! Bottom one looks like a house sparrow, and I think you're right about the chipping sparrow too. I missed that one in my book somehow!!

    Very nice :)

  4. I think David is getting a bird book for Fathers Day 😄
