Friday, June 24, 2011

175 of 365 Chives

... from the garden.


  1. So pretty! I love chive flowers! Mine unfortunately got infested with something at the end of last year and I had to get rid of them :( I miss those purple flowers!

  2. Plant some more - they come up year after year and are beautiful and nice in salads.

  3. I'm afraid the same little guys will come lay their little eggs all along them again. I had leaf miners come eat my spinach, too - all since we moved to Sooke. Didn't have these problems in Surrey!

  4. Oh too bad. And your garden is so protected. Time to bring out mild soapy spray? Or something? Do ladybugs help?

  5. I haven't tried anything yet - maybe some ladybugs are in order? Wonder if they eat leaf miners!
