Wednesday, April 17, 2019

107/365 Princes, Sleeping princesses, Witches and Games

It's Wednesday so that means I pick up the girls from school and we drop Eva at piano lessons and Norah and I have fun for about 35-40 minutes. During the winter our favorite place to go was Dutch Growers. Its close to piano, lots of fun stuff to look at and they sell fudge - a great selling feature for Norah. But the weather is quite decent today so we decided to play in the piano teacher's back yard. She has a climbing structure and Norah loves to play make-believe. Grandma did double duty as both the wicked witch who put a spell on the princess putting her to sleep for many years and also the prince who travelled from far away lands by horse (clop clop) to find the princess at the top of the tower (yeah  I had to climb to the top of the climbing structure) and kiss the princess to wake her and then carry her down the tower and escape on his horse to safety. Whew!

Then we played hide and seek.....and Grandma had to hide 5/6 times. Good thing I am wearing my Lulu lemons today. :)  Staying young!

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