Saturday, December 31, 2016

366/366 Isla Rose

I will end my 365 (or in the case of this year my 366) with a photo of the best gift we received this year.


  1. Lovely!
    Big question: is the 365 going to continue into 2017 with all your big changes coming???
    I hope so! :)

  2. That is a big question. Of the 365 post I made this year there were, I think, three comments all year ..... I am not sure too many people are actually following the 365 anymore. So the jury is out. I am going to take a couple of weeks off and give it some thought. Right now I am posting on FB as the photos happen so the "big changes" of 2017 will show up there, now and then. But thanks for asking. It is a nice way to keep friends up to date on our crazy life happenings. :)

  3. I am with Mrs. Manz, wondering if you were continuing the 365? I look forward to seeing what has captured your attention each day, though I do not take time to comment :(
