Friday, January 6, 2012

6 of 365 Poinsettia

I usually have a poinsettia each Christmas and take a photo of it.... but forgot. Until today, that is.
Today is my son Paul's 26th birthday. Oh my it feels like he was born only a few years ago ~ a healthy 9'6". I would have a photo of him but this dear son is 2000 km's away. We phoned.

Happy Birthday Paul!


  1. Pretty picture. :) I'm glad you started up again.

  2. Thanks from Paul for the birthday wishes and the call. :) I love how he and Tanis share the exact same birth weight!

  3. Happy Birthday to your son! It's Ashley's 12th birthday today so we are having a celebration as well!!! I just started my 365 again Julie! Day 2 today! You've inspired me yet again! Great photo, as usual!!!

  4. Thanks Allison!
    yes Allie - I love that too - Tanis looked so much like him at birth - and still does. Hope he had a special day - sounds like he was well fed with baking!Loved hearing Tanis sing - soooo sweet!
    Michelle - yeah! I look forward to seeing your year thru 365.
